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Fast installation

Download the single file installer install.php.zip

Uncompress the file, install it on the webroot of your server and run it.

Demo video: Install SofaWiki in one minute: install.mp4

Manual installation

Procedure to install SofaWki on your server.

  • Download and extract the source files to your server
  • Enable world write access (755) to the folder site and its subfolders
  • Open the index.php with the browser. Enter the basic parameters
    • swMainName is the name of your wiki and the name of the main page of the wiki
    • swBaseHrefFolder is the URL path to the root folder of the wiki (including trailing slash /). Take attention to the protocol http or https.
    • poweruser name is the name of the system user, to be defined hard coded in configuration
    • poweruser pass is the password of the system user
    • default lang is the language of the wiki. If you have multiple languages, set them later manually
    • default skin is the skin of the wiki,. You can choose half a dozen of predefined designs. You can change them later manually.
  • Login and create your main page.

Install locally

You can also install the wiki locally on your mac. For that you need to

  • Download the SofaWiki to a local folder
  • Open Terminal
  • cd to the local folder
  • php -S localhost:9000
  • Open URL localhost:9000 in browser
  • Finish installation
    • Fix write access to site folder
    • Use / for swBaseHrefFolder

Note: The notify by mail will not work locally, if you do not have a SMTP server configured to work with PHP

Going further

Your wiki is now running. You can go further manually editing the files on the site

  • Edit the site/configuration.php file. See Configuration.
  • Create your own skin as a copy of default.php and enable it in configuration.php
  • You may need to add an htaccess file.
  • If you are using Cpanel, you must turn off MODSECURITY for the domain.

You can update from the Special:Update page. You may want to make a snapshot before you update.
The update has 3 steps the wiki does for you:

  1. Download the zip file from the remote server to your server into the SofaWiki root.
  2. Decompress the zip file into a folder install in the SofaWiki root. Check that all files are there.
  3. Install: Replace the inc folder and the index.php and the api.php file by the versions in the install folder and delete the install folder

If the server returns a 500 error after update, verify the permissions of the index.php file. If it is set to 0664, it may crash. Set it to 0644. The update script does this normally, but the server does not always follow the script.


The script has been updated, and it should work with PHP 8. However, since 7.4, libraries like Zip, Sqlite3 and CURL are not in the core any more and may not be in your PHP distribution. We made a polyfill for ZIP. If you have errors on SQLite3 and CURL, verify if they are installed.